The Tea Ceremony Workshop

We have been running Japanese Tea Ceremony Workshops in our Tea Room in London for five years now. A qualified tea ceremony master, Keiko Uchida has been practising the Japanese tea ceremony for 25 years. She is always willing to open her studio on Ladbroke Grove to share her knowledge and experience of the tea ceremony, of matcha tea, and of the whole world of Japanese culture. For private individuals, for groups, for events and for business occasions. 

The Japanese tea ceremony covers many areas of interest and relevance, and we can tailor our workshops to make them tune in with your own fascinations and motivations. We have had great success in the past with large corporations and cultural festivals as well as teenage birthday parties and single individuals. For each and every person, there has been something to discover and a great deal to enjoy. 

We now offer our workshops in the studio, on site (wherever you would like - in homes, hotels, offices, at festivals) and also now on line, as a webinar. This format allows people in many locations to take part, and experience the tea ceremony first-hand, as participants are provided with equipment beforehand (such as a bowl, whisk, tea etc), so that they can actually take part in making tea during the event, guided by Keiko herself.